Policy – Iurisdictio journal ( “Journal”)

Journal’s policy approval

The Author approves the modalities of the selection of papers and, in particular, the peer-review process. If a paper is accepted, the author acknowledges to the publisher the publication rights, expressly renouncing to every editorial right and to every other kind of economic request, and declaring to know and approve that the journal is open access, freely usable from anybody through internet access and with the possibility of a complete download of papers and contents published in it. In this sense, it provides the wider and more complete waiver. The author ensures the truthfulness of data presented in the paper and the objectivity of his interpretations. Data must be reported exactly and in detail in order to allow other people to replicate the study.

Decisions on the publication

The Executive Board is responsible for the decision to publish or not the manuscripts submitted to the journal. It reserves the right to make graphic modifications, to apply the journal style guide, and/or to cut drafts of papers in order to publish them. Usually, Executive Board submits papers to the valuation of two reviewers, it refers to Editorial Board and Scientific Board and it’s bound by current laws about defamation, copyright violation and plagiarism, and to publishing rules, and Publisher’s rules of policy and privacy that have to be considered here quoted, repeated and transcribed. The authors, after the submission of their papers to the Executive Board in order to publish them, declare implicitly to have read, understood and approved rules and editorial policies, as well as all the present articles.

Access and data conservation

If the Executive Board consider it appropriate, the authors must make available fount and data of their research, in order to keep them for a reasonable time after the publication and make them accessible.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors must ensure that their work is completely original and unpublished and that they have indicated or quoted the study and/or the words of other authors that are eventually quoted.

Multiple, repetitive and/or competing publications

The author should not publish papers concerning the same research in more than one review. The author must not submit simultaneously the same paper to more than one review.

Sources indication

The author has to indicate correctly the sources and essays quoted in the paper. The author has to receive approval in order to publish images, tables or other contents that have been already published, in conformity with the copyright law. Fraudulent or voluntarily incorrect declarations are non-ethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Authorship of the paper

The authorship of the paper must be assigned correctly and every person that has given a substantial effort in order to create, organize, realize and revise the research included in the paper has to be indicated as coauthor. In case of work with multiple authors, the author that submits the paper to the journal has to declare to have indicated correctly the names of all the coauthors, to have received their approval to the last version of the paper and their approval to the publish it in the journal.

Conflict of interest and dissemination

Authors must indicate in their paper every economic conflict or other kind of conflict of interest that could influence the results or the interpretations of their work. Every financial source of the project must be indicated.

Mistakes in published papers

When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.

Privacy policy: information on the processing of personal data

According to Reg. (CE) 27/04/2016, n. 2016/679/UE “Regolamento del Parlamento Europeo relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati” and in particular to the artt. 13 and 32, the Journal expressly declares:

the Journal collects the personal data of the authors strictly necessary for publishing papers and essays; the Journal will not communicate collected data to third parties and will not carry out profiling activities of data;

collected data are only the author’s name and his email address that the author indicated with the beginning of the cooperation for the publication of the paper;

the owner of the Journal and the members of the Executive Board (names are available on the website www.iurisdictio.it) are holders and responsible for the processing of personal data;

the rights of the holder of data collected by the Journal are exercisable by contacting the Journal by email, rivista.iurisdictio@gmail.com, or with the other email addresses indicated on the website www.iurisdictio.it;

the Journal is not obligated by law to keep the collected data and, under the request of the holder, data will be rectified, modified and deleted;

data cancellation will involve the impossibility to continue to receive information about activities or publications of the Journal;

data will be kept indefinitely, till the cessation of the activity of the Journal, except in case of request of cancellation by the holder;

the holder of data has the right to make a complaint to the national control authority that, in Italy, is the “Garante per la protezione dei dati personali” (website https://www.garanteprivacy.it);

in case of every kind of need or clarification concerning the present policy and/or the processing of personal data and the consequential exercise of rights connected to it, it’s possible to contact us to the email address rivista.iurisdictio@gmail.com;

a copy of the present policy is available on the website of the Journal.

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